El artificio de la escritura / The artifice of writing

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008

Han pasado demasiados días sin añadir nada nuevo a este blog. Ya es hora de que me ponga a la tarea de hacerlo. Han sido días de otras ocupaciones y de dudas respecto a la necesidad y utilidad de mantener un blog como éste. No he llegado a formular una razón convincente para llevar a cabo este ejercicio. Me lo dicta la muy personal e irracional necesidad de atención que motiva tantas diversas actividades humanas. Como muchos, veo en el internet una oportunidad de poner por escrito y publicar ampliamente lo que se me pasa por la cabeza y me parece de suma importancia e interés como para no darlo a los cuatro vientos. Se trata de una inofensiva actividad que, a lo más, podrá molestar a alguno que se tope con mi blog y crea haber perdido el tiempo leyendo lo que he escrito. Lo extraordinario de este instrumento es que no sólo nos permite la libertad de escribir lo que se nos dé en gana, sino también de leer lo que nos atraiga. Y en ambos casos subraya la casualidad increíble de leer y ser leído: la increíble suerte del encuentro fortuito de dos desconocidos en la madeja infinita de la internet, el laberinto por excelencia, expresión exacta de la proliferación y superabundancia caótica de nuestro mundo.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008

Breaking the Silence

This Blog has been inactive for some time, as I have been incapable of writing in it while I was considering the reasons for keeping a blog. Today I am not in a reasonable mood and I have decided to return to posting a comment for anyone or nobody to read and ponder. Excessive reasoning tends to curtail action and since writing is an action, after all, my having doubts about the usefulness and value of keeping a blog kept me from writing anything on it. I had to remind me that, to begin with, I had started the blog as a way to express openly my musings about writing and the reasons or passions that make it possible and necessary. That I was to write about my doubts about the sanity of having a blog.

I have to admit that I have not looked at many blogs as I should if I intend to talk about the subject. But, in spite of this I have enough information about what blogs do and represent. Some are clearly very serious sites for discussion of important issues affecting us as members of society. Others seem to be quite the opposite--superficial pages of little value. In between there are those practical blogs devoted to special interests or groups that although they are of little interest for most people, they serve a purpose for a limited number of users.

My blog would like to belong to the first group, but really is much nearer to the third one and. It tends to deal with the capricious and very personal concerns and interest of only one person.

So be it.